Friday, July 11, 2008

Reunion : : Common Ground

Hello All—

Greetings from everyone at Littleglobe—we are missing you very much. I hope your summer is truly wonderful.

It’s time for a reunion, yes? We’d like to see all of you again, enjoy a meal together, and start talking about plans for this fall and next year. We can do so many wonderful things together, including (if we wish) the second annual Common Ground Festival and Performance. And, there are ideas for a summer kids’ camp and the ongoing progress of the arts cooperative. So much to talk about!

So, please spread the word to all the ensemble members, especially those without email addresses: Fatou, Joan, Debbie H, Rosie, Debi L, the young ones, Carlyle, Lori, Santiago, Aaron, etc. We will be calling everyone as July 26th gets closer, too.

(posted from incoming email)

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