Wednesday, January 14, 2009

TOC Regional Community Council Notices

Meeting Notes:

Next Meeting: TOC Regional Community Council. Topics on the agenda are the CREDO Fiscal Sponsorship, TRCC Coordination, schedule for monthly meetings, schedule for upcoming trainings, 2nd Annual Common Ground Festival, & other projects/coordiantion on the horizon.

Session: TRCC General Meeting
Time: 10:00 - 3:00pm (Lunch will be provided)
Date: TBA
Location: Cuba Senior Center
Facilitator: Valerie Martinez

Meeting: TOC Regional Community Council.
An internationally known trainer, Selena Sermeno will awe us on conflict engagement and resolution. How to stay out of difficult situations and not just recreate negative patterns. Large ensemble interactive training.

Session: Conflict Resolution w/ Selena Sermeno
Time: TBA
Date: TBA
Location: TBA
Facilitator: Samantha Leyba
Status: Upcoming

Meeting: A master permaculturalist and systems thinker. He works with communities all over on green/environmental balance and community health. Large ensemble interactive training (everyone from TOC Community Council).

Session: Project Planning

Time: Saturday Day-long
Date: February 21, 2009
Location: Cuba Senior Center
Facilitator: Joel Glanzberg

Meeting: Facilitation with SWOP. Everyone from TOC Community Council.

Session: Facilitation (Monica of SWOP) & Intro to TOC Community Ensemble
Time: 10:oo -3:00 pm (Lunch will be provided)
Date: Saturday, January 31, 2009
Location: Torreon Old Day School (Travel West from US550 on HWY 197 and turn Right on milepost 25.5)
Facilitator: TOC Community Council members

Meeting: Large ensemble (everyone from TOC Community Council) will meet together to create a mission statement for the next project. What project? Discussion of possible projects for this funding year and maybe create a wishlist of long-term projects we can build for upcoming years.

Session: Vision/Mission Statement
Time: Saturday 11:00am-2:00pm
Date: Saturday, January 24, 2009
Location: Cuba Senior Center
Facilitator: AJ Pacheco

Friday, January 9, 2009

Littleglobe 1st Saturday Session - Cancelled

Hello to All,

Unfortunately, our 1st session scheduled for this Saturday, January 1oth in Cuba will be cancelled due to inclement weather. If you have any questions please call an LG coordinator.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Littleglobe Session Begins

Happy New Year to All,

LET'S TOC participants and other interested parties are invited to our first session at the Cuba Senior Center, Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 11:30-4:00pm. Food and drinks will be provided. If you have any questions please post a message. See you there!